Dear Valued Clients,
As Spring sneaks up on us, bringing with it beautiful blossoms of renewal and rebirth, we at NYPD have decided to do a little “spring” cleaning of our own! We are all about keeping things as simple and effective as possible, and to this end we have streamlined our back office accounting system, allocating each client with a unique client no, to use at every interface with NYPD.
What does this mean for you as the client?
- Control Room: Your monitoring and response profile can be quickly and easily accessed by quoting your unique client no when phoning into the NYPD Control Room
- Technical: All technical issues can be easily traced and resolved using your unique client no as a reference
- Accounts: Your unique client no will appear on your invoices and any payments will quickly and accurately be allocated to your account. Statements and Invoices will be issued according to your unique client no, eliminating any room for error or duplication
- Debit Order Payments: The reference on your debit order will change and reflect your new unique client no.
- Communication: You will be able to track all enquiries and communication logged with NYPD using your unique client no.
We have already implemented the new system and have experienced positive feedback thus far, which makes us happy to know that we have managed to make your life a little easier. We are looking forward to continuously streamlining all communication with you, contributing to your comfort and ease when dealing with NYPD.
Happy Spring! May this be the birth of positive new beginnings for you all!
Yours in SecYOUrity,